May 6, 2016:

Busgirls in the corner dishing truth. "He just wants to look at girls and tits." Head nod toward a pudgy white boy seated on the patio.

Emaciated facelift corpse-woman parades, leading her party in an absurd winding snakelike path around and behind and between tables to arrive in front of mine, nowhere near the exit, where she shakes her hair like a horse with flies and pretends to look straight ahead.

Good natured loudmouth at the center of the courtyard, buzzed, laughing, busting up his boss and his boss' wife who've taken him to lunch. Blowsy white couple toasting with margaritas. Teen with daypack walks behind her iPhone, experiencing the day through her camera screen, snapping snapping snapping. Small child runs and giggles. Flies buzz, Mr. Girls and Tits rises to leave. I've finished my tostada but it's sunny, it's beautiful, the people are making me laugh. And there really is something to this girls and tits thing.