February 8, 2018:

"What's it gonna be?" Teen-something undergrad recites her thyroid test numbers monotonously like a great-grandma at Denny's. Her teen-something undergrad companion is mighty patient, far more than I absent caffeine and lunch.

Gen X truckers in Peterbuilt hats have tat-covered arms. Trucker 1 is essentially gray from knuckles to t-shirt sleeve, probably higher. Trucker 2 shows prison ink and an Apple Watch. Are we used to seeing those things together? 🤔

Outside two fat cops in summer shorts hassle an even fatter street dude. There's no indication that Mister Streets has violated any codes. It's just a vanilla downtown hassle on behalf of the merchant few. In a righteous world, gathering crowds would tell the cops to move along. Unfortunately we're in California.