Jacob Lawrence, When it is Warm the Parks Are Filled with People (1943)
Workbook: July, 2004
- July 31, 2004: Summertime, warm sun, the splash of cool surf on the rocks below.
- July 30, 2004: Utility meters behind the building.
- July 29, 2004: My happiness in that period.
- July 28, 2004: Photo shoot: girls in a mock studio cemetery.
- July 27, 2004: Pinks, plums.
- July 26, 2004: Fascination for the backs of things.
- July 25, 2004: Carwash drive-through.
- July 24, 2004: The apartment from your childhood.
- July 23, 2004: Falling paper...
- July 22, 2004: Gorbachev and Margaret Thatcher.
- July 21, 2004: Seated at the front of the train.
- July 20, 2004: Squawking crows.
- July 19, 2004: As her plane left I stood at the end of the pier...
- July 18, 2004: "That's not as important."
- July 17, 2004: Tattoo'd women in the marketplace.
- July 16, 2004: Tell me about us.
- July 15, 2004: Early a.m. To walk along the clifftops and wake up.
- July 14, 2004: Sparks.
- July 13, 2004: Thin string of viscous, charcoal-colored spittle.
- July 12, 2004: The silliness of solipsism.
- July 11, 2004: Everything you own, for whatever it was ever worth, slowly destroyed by mold.
- July 10, 2004: That you made such disastrous choices...
- July 9, 2004: Mushroom cloud.
- July 8, 2004: Black kitten, feral, couple months short of maturity. Dying.
- July 7, 2004: Saw the sun break through clouds, throwing rays across the horizon like searchlights.
- July 6, 2004: Bumper sticker on a mid-'90s Plymouth Valiant:
- July 5, 2004: You're loading furniture into a car.
- July 4, 2004: Rhythm, and the trend to panic.
- July 3, 2004: I think we'd make awesome circus clowns.
- July 2, 2004: Lost, but not lost.
- July 1, 2004: Emotions which change in the blink of an eye, fast as a heartbeat.