Jacob Lawrence, When it is Warm the Parks Are Filled with People (1943)
Workbook: July, 2006
- July 31, 2006: It was just like The Simpsons.
- July 30, 2006: Of all the mysteries in the world, why must I be one?
- July 29, 2006: "Every time you lose at Solitaire..."
- July 28, 2006: "The Straw Maze — next left!"
- July 27, 2006: At the waterfall the Jeeps exchanged passengers.
- July 26, 2006: "Now, if I were a Vicodin..."
- July 25, 2006: He isn't to be trusted.
- July 24, 2006: Downtown on the train.
- July 23, 2006: In the yard growls just one of the two mean dogs.
- July 22, 2006: Echoing through the woods for a mile...
- July 21, 2006: Darkness waits for the light to pour into it.
- July 20, 2006: Stiff muscles, sore knees.
- July 19, 2006: It's just like those dreams you're always having.
- July 18, 2006: "Don't hurt that tree!"
- July 17, 2006: The joy of running.
- July 16, 2006: "Chin-ups are important!"
- July 15, 2006: If you died here...
- July 14, 2006: The cliff is dangerous now.
- July 13, 2006: Spider eggs, thick as plastic beads.
- July 12, 2006: They had their own private semaphore.
- July 11, 2006: "He has a wonderful body."
- July 10, 2006: Where is the road?
- July 9, 2006: Why does she read these?
- July 8, 2006: Oleander bushes.
- July 7, 2006: Vibrance.
- July 6, 2006: Two boys on 10-speeds, dead tired, surprised as anything...
- July 5, 2006: Written in dust in the rear window of a red Jeep Cherokee:
- July 4, 2006: Large white toad, more like a small white bulldog...
- July 3, 2006: You wake from a dream to realize that there are people swimming...
- July 2, 2006: The plane must land through an obstacle course of billboards and signs.
- July 1, 2006: Duck Walk with ukulele: