September 8, 2007:
Should I stay or should I go?
Stay: with luck you'll prevent her falling down, or cutting herself, or racking up $500 in long distance charges to Croatia. Yet as the script plays out she'll inevitably turn abusive. In the worst case she'll attack, and you'll face the sad decision whether to defend yourself, or have her arrested, or spend the evening dodging blows.
Go: steal her keys and wallet and ride it out in town, waiting long enough for her to be asleep on your return. With luck she'll eat and shower and pass out quietly. Yet there's the risk that she'll fall, or cut herself, or attack the neighbors.
Lately you choose to run. On your return you find her with her head shaved, or with food thrown all over the bathroom, or with lipstick messages in faux German written on the walls. But, she's asleep, and she has no new violation of probation.