Jacob Lawrence, The Life of Toussaint L'Ouverture No. 26. On March 24, he captured Mirebalois. (1938)
Workbook: March, 2011
- March 31, 2011: Calling, hanging up, calling, hanging up.
- March 30, 2011: Calling, hanging up, calling, hanging up.
- March 29, 2011: Mostly we talk about her body.
- March 28, 2011: Languishing alone together.
- March 27, 2011: I went to college to learn to differentiate between competing revolutionary tendencies.
- March 26, 2011: Orange guys poorly educated...
- March 25, 2011: To widen one's admittedly narrow circle of concerns.
- March 24, 2011: Class struggle: they pay us minimum wage, so we steal.
- March 23, 2011: She made me more visual.
- March 22, 2011: Profound inability...
- March 21, 2011: Big fish in a small pond.
- March 20, 2011: She'd call throughout the day, many times a day, and hang up on me.
- March 19, 2011: Took a month to catch up a year.
- March 18, 2011: Burning, burning...
- March 17, 2011: Butter mints on the coffee table.
- March 16, 2011: Search for books.
- March 15, 2011: I left that band with the joy of escape...
- March 14, 2011: In the beginning it felt like her and me against the world.
- March 13, 2011: Heartbreak changed her so drastically.
- March 12, 2011: Elitism was part of our cultural context in academe...
- March 11, 2011: This house smells like my mother.
- March 10, 2011: Pointless conference call...
- March 9, 2011: In search of lost time.
- March 8, 2011: Neurotic reactions to stress.
- March 7, 2011: The weather begins in New Orleans and develops in all directions.
- March 6, 2011: Your friend from college is selling her truck.
- March 5, 2011: Emerge onto a main street.
- March 4, 2011: Underground Man: Backstreets Man.
- March 3, 2011: Backstreets, Sunset Cliffs.
- March 2, 2011: I thought I could be patient with her and she'd grow out of it.
- March 1, 2011: Pretty rain.