Unknown, Possibly Gwen Lawrence: Woman
Unknown, Possibly Gwen Lawrence: Woman
Can a Game Be Literature?

Mark's Pages

April 14, 2011:

I thought of writing a woman I dropped contact with many years ago.

She was sexually harassing me. It was stressful: random unwanted come-ons that wouldn't go away.

She's a whole lot less well educated than she believes. It's not merely that there are major schools of thought she's unfamiliar with. Rather that she limits her understanding through a rigorous ideological filter imposing linear ascent, that is, progress, as her organizing principle.

She's one of those shallow extroverts who's only ever "on". She'll perform for a crowd of none. It's all she knows.

These are her good points. Really! There's a charm and vitality about her that comes from her profound lack of self-inhibition. She doesn't self-censor. She just does and people can fuck off if they're unhappy with it.

And I learned from her. Some core truths about reality, emotion, spirituality, the ways our brains are wired and why. That's not bad!

Chose not to write her. More stress than I want this week.

Maybe later.