Jacob Lawrence, Struggle...From the History of the American
People No. 19. Thousands of American citizens have been torn from their country and from everything dear to
them: they have been dragged on board ships of war of a foreign nation. —Madison, 1 June 1812 (1956)
Workbook: June, 2014
June 30, 2014 : Saturday in the rain.
June 29, 2014 : False friend.
June 28, 2014 : Could you die in this room?
June 27, 2014 : who are these people?
June 26, 2014 : ideal days and story points
June 25, 2014 : "It's another. Tequila sunrise."
June 24, 2014 : she converses in quotations
June 23, 2014 : Gonna buy me a ticket to a far away place.
June 22, 2014 : in my flat, saint andrew's scone
June 21, 2014 : i live in a big house but i hide in a small room
June 20, 2014 : i know my friend is doomed.
June 19, 2014 : Everything is fine, I'm lonely all the time.
June 18, 2014 : Restless in her floppy shoes.
June 17, 2014 : miniatures in yellow shirts
June 16, 2014 : taste the salt, taste the pain
June 15, 2014 : hold me closer
June 14, 2014 : heads close at the bar
June 13, 2014 : silky yellow skin and her pants off in the car
June 12, 2014 : she has child's fingers
June 11, 2014 : diamonds and lemons
June 10, 2014 : drag deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep
June 9, 2014 : She feints at the site of Needles.
June 8, 2014 : at the table we check our email
June 7, 2014 : muttering to themselves
June 6, 2014 : midnight in the city of cardboard
June 5, 2014 : dirty deeds at the disco bar
June 4, 2014 : I keep thinking, maybe this is all there is.
June 3, 2014 : Valves and blacklists: keep away the world.
June 2, 2014 : a pretty woman held my hand
June 1, 2014 : Poor small creatures in pain.
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