September 28, 2016:
It's an enjoyable dream. That's my name being called now. It would be good to stay here. It's time to wake up.
I can feel my tongue. That's a good thing! I maybe already need to pee. That would be stellar.
Sterile whites and greens. Nausea. Soon as I pee they'll release me on my ride's recognizance. Hobble happily to the loo: this is all working out this time.
My ride is cranky. Not so worth it for her, and she'd rather have the evening off. No problem. Drop me at my hotel room. Thank you, I really don't need you for anything else.
Texts: I am well. Thank you for your concern. Drift back to sleep. On my side, on the edge of the bed. The trick now is to not throw up and choke to death, which, all things considered, would be bad in this context.
Later: nice texts. Temporary truce. But it's very sad she's not here to look after me.