June 28, 2018:
She speaks slowly, in measured tones lacking overt emotional cues.
From time to time there's a smile or a short burst of laughter. Otherwise it's difficult to know her emotions, or whether she approves or disapproves of what you're saying, or of you personally.
When out of the blue she lights up at the thought of shopping. Unprompted she offers to choose interview clothes for your girlfriend, and you're off to the races, scanning rack after rack, label after label, dropping additionally into kitchen stores and computer stores on whims and with enthusiasm. You pick up two bags of blazers with slacks, she buys herself a pair of wireless EarBuds, for giggles and grins you buy her a champagne opener for thanks and silliness.
Mental note: You've found her magic button! From here on you'll include the suggestion in all your lunch invites.