March 20, 2019:
Who was that girl?
In my memory we met at camp, although, never having been to camp, that's not possible. Somehow she's connected in my mind with camp. Perhaps she told me stories.
We had each other's number, would hook up at random intervals, in my car or hers, parked by the Bay at night. There'd be lengthy make-outs with outercourse in the front seats, plus some kind of encounters behind the public restrooms which I don't think were intercourse but may have been fellatio.
She was blonde, pretty, curvy, bright. Her eyes sparkled, she smiled a lot when we were together.
Another image. I'm on my bicycle, I'm home from college, I'm riding across town for exercise and nostalgia, she emerges from her parents' house to offer water and convo while I rest climbing a steep winding hill. Mount Helix: a rich girl in a house with a view. Reality, or dream?