May 5, 2019:


They've been around too long. I feel crowded, but at a deeper level I also feel disrespected.

She's very smug. She's certain of her correctness and usually she's right. But she confuses simple differences of habit with failure to be rational, as though her way were the only way, so that she's intolerant of others' human differences.

Which she communicates with passive-aggressive sneers. Pointed little sarcastic jabs. Outright mockery at times. Where she doesn't grasp motive or context, in a word she's wrong, but she's far too judgmental for insight to play a role.

Until I cracked one night, had the kind of "I have to get out of here right now 'cos I can't breathe" episode which ended friendships earlier in life.

Well. We're still friends. But it's been years since we were close, and now we can't ignore that truth.

All things must pass. There's no law that says we have to like it.