December 30, 2020:

Undoing. Removing the visible flotsam of Part One and Part Two.

Thrift store dishes and thrift store wall art collected by Part One. Her wedding dress. Dozens of glass vases and unguent jars collected by Part Two. The food processor I bought for her which she used exactly once. Things I don’t want to carry. Everything remaining throughout the house that was theirs, apart of course from Eladio Cheetacabra, with me to the end.

Part of a larger goal, eventual, simple in principle: when I end my exile I'll surround myself with all new objects. Shedding not just those which specifically were introduced by failed and exploitative relationship partners, but also bookcases, kitchen things, furniture. Whatever I acquired over 30+ NorCal years which isn't a book or a musical instrument or a recording studio implement. All the detritus. Flotsam of exile.

In the meantime I set out to rid myself of all those objects which once were intended as nesting twigs for lives together which never were realistic.