March 20, 2021:

"The first thing she said when I mentioned your name was, 'Is he still painfully skinny?'"

Seriously? Truthfully, really, no kidding? That's your role in life?

That's the contribution you make to the lives of the people around you? Repeating hurtful or denigrating things people say about each other behind each other's backs? The he said / she said game, intentionally calculated to wound those who are close to you?

Is it as simple as your own mean-spiritedness expressed at one remove?

Or is it more insidious? Your need to reduce the people in your orbit, to shrink them to your own diminished stature, to save yourself experiencing such inexhaustible envy? Envy over the accomplishments you lack, envy over their obvious superiorities to you as human beings?

Where seemingly without an iota of insight you've grown in your adulthood to exactly imitate your father, in the ways he behaved toward you as a child.