March 31, 2021:
My friends at Sunset Cliffs.
We were tight then, or I thought we were. There was music, excitement. I thought there was loyalty.
This all evaporated without warning, I think because of my breakdown. I would never have followed the one friend's orders anyway. When my brain was broken I couldn't understand them.
So that when I arrived in their city I found things had changed. The plan had been to have a band and a recording studio, where the one friend's in-laws provided the space. All of that was rescinded. Instead they were having a baby, and, around the time that happened, the musical friend stole one of my clients, or rather allowed the client to steal him, an act of disloyalty which destroyed whatever friendship had remained.
All of that was yet to come. On this day we're happy. It's sunny, the ocean is beautiful. A friendly dog, a big guy with waggling tail, has befriended us. I'm writing happy songs which people love. We have plans, together. That day there was no predicting what would happen, or why.