"Charlie, it might sound corny, but the view is really out of this world."
This is what happens when you send military men instead of poets. To have an experience for which military men, of all people, are only partially prepared.
"I... felt something... other than just what we can visually sense. A spiritual... presence was there. Perhaps it was because so many people on the Earth were focusing their attention. They were maybe sending signals to us somehow. But I sensed... I guess in a way much like maybe the first man on the Earth would have sensed, like Adam, or perhaps Eve, as they were standing on the Earth and they realized they were all alone, there was no-one else on the Earth, and yet they had that special communication. And I guess it was similar to the feeling I had, when I realized that Dave Scott and I were the only two on this vast... planet. Another world. We were the only two there. We felt... an unseen love. We were not alone."