Jacob Lawrence, The Life of Frederick Douglass No. 20.
Frederick Douglass left America to lecture in Great Britain. Here he met some of the most progressive
and liberal-minded men in the English speaking world. He made a great speech on Covent Garden Theatre
on August 7, 1846, in which he told of the people he represented-how at that moment there were three
million colored slaves in the United States. (1939)
Mark's Pages
Workbook: August, 2004
August 31, 2004: "And now we pause for a very important public service announcement..."
August 30, 2004: There were a small number of songs which helped in that time.
August 29, 2004: Apart from transference she doesn't know how to consume a work...
August 28, 2004: "Charlie, it might sound corny, but the view is really out of this world."