Jacob Lawrence, When it is Warm the Parks Are Filled with People (1943)
Workbook: July, 2016
- July 31, 2016: Razor thin mom with deep scowl and hard crossed arms...
- July 30, 2016: Two laps...
- July 29, 2016: One was wiry, white-haired, prim, Northern European Protestant.
- July 28, 2016: To me it seems odd that people sit so close.
- July 27, 2016: Salmon-colored shorts...
- July 26, 2016: The baby is so well-behaved.
- July 25, 2016: Unhappy server, displeased to be serving.
- July 24, 2016: Gray-haired couple, quiet slow voices, African-American.
- July 23, 2016: Stranded.
- July 22, 2016: Little brown boy walks in circles with his little orange shirt in his mouth.
- July 21, 2016: "I was in that damn waiting room nearly fifteen minutes."
- July 20, 2016: Johnny California:
- July 19, 2016: Very young, eleven or twelve...
- July 18, 2016: Philadelphia accent.
- July 17, 2016: Thin lady with Starbucks seems amused.
- July 16, 2016: She danced at The Cheetah.
- July 15, 2016: Gray hair in the elevator...
- July 14, 2016: My Lyft driver is conventionally gorgeous.
- July 13, 2016: Tattoos at the bar.
- July 12, 2016: My rowmate is a doctor-to-be.
- July 11, 2016: People ask me, "What kind of girls do you like?"
- July 10, 2016: Young male server covets my date.
- July 9, 2016: Immediately after takeoff my rowmate unwraps her salad...
- July 8, 2016: The tubby, sluggish one tips back his head...
- July 7, 2016: The business girls are rioting.
- July 6, 2016: Mister Dude-in-Chair scans intently...
- July 5, 2016: I'm thinking of airport waiting areas.
- July 4, 2016: My soda cap goes rogue...
- July 3, 2016: Mister Shout-Into-Phone follows me everywhere, shouting.
- July 2, 2016: We come in hauling ass.
- July 1, 2016: I'm sick of the chop.