Jacob Lawrence, When it is Warm the Parks Are Filled with People (1943)
Workbook: July, 2019
- July 31, 2019: "You look like Gollum," says a helpful minion.
- July 30, 2019: Newlyweds.
- July 29, 2019: My breakdown put a definitive end to self-confidence.
- July 28, 2019: Depression isn't sadness.
- July 27, 2019: The sweetness of that gesture.
- July 26, 2019: "Let us make no bones about it: We do not really know what causes depression."
- July 25, 2019: I don't know why I agreed.
- July 24, 2019: I don't know why she wanted me.
- July 23, 2019: "My fear of intimacy."
- July 22, 2019: Slow learner.
- July 21, 2019: And you wonder, what exactly does she imagine you do for a living.
- July 20, 2019: Generica.
- July 19, 2019: She understood.
- July 18, 2019: Descent and return.
- July 17, 2019: I took her picture in the hotel.
- July 16, 2019: You recognize how deeply frustrated they are with you.
- July 15, 2019: "There's a lot going on during a depressive episode."
- July 14, 2019: The other music I found helpful was by a little indie band from Austin called The Reivers.
- July 13, 2019: I would play the same song endlessly.
- July 12, 2019: During my breakdown my depression was not circadian.
- July 11, 2019: Charismatic despite questionable posture.
- July 10, 2019: It's part of a wider imposture.
- July 9, 2019: La Catrina the cult leader wannabe sits with her back to the experts.
- July 8, 2019: With her "bratty" wheedling for money which undercuts it all.
- July 7, 2019: Where control can take so many forms.
- July 6, 2019: Playacting as Battered Woman...
- July 5, 2019: Mushrooms are for insight, she earnestly insists.
- July 4, 2019: At the time it was all bikers and dogs and cheap eats.
- July 3, 2019: That was the winter of the Great Storm.
- July 2, 2019: He was in love, but he unknowingly treated her poorly.
- July 1, 2019: The first apartment overlooked ocean.