Jacob Lawrence, The Life of Toussaint L'Ouverture No. 6.
The birth of Toussaint L'Ouverture, May 20, 1743. Both of Toussaint's parents were slaves. (1938)
Mark's Pages
Workbook: May, 2005
May 31, 2005: Black lettering on a white background, flying from the yardarm like a pirate flag.
May 30, 2005: The street level is given over to cars and heat.
May 29, 2005: At the border crossing the women guards disbelieve my passport photo.
May 28, 2005: The monks are experienced canvassers.
May 27, 2005: The serving staff circle like airliners on holding pattern.
May 26, 2005: Young man, twenty, strong-looking, tanned, shirtless...
May 25, 2005: Around the dinner table one evening the grownups discussed domestic gender roles.