Jacob Lawrence, The Life of Toussaint L'Ouverture No. 39.
The death of Toussaint L'Ouverture in the Prison of Le Joux, April 1803. This was a year later. He died of
starvation, because "he didn't feel like eating." (1938)
Workbook: April, 2020
April 30, 2020 : "It was her choice," sure.
April 29, 2020 : Guilt, for my lack of understanding.
April 28, 2020 : My mother's depression was one of many outcomes of the severe abuse she suffered as a child.
April 27, 2020 : The fetchin' neighbor lady suns!
April 26, 2020 : White people at the laundromat won't sit with Mexicans.
April 25, 2020 : The terminal shuttle is a flat-bed truck, open to the sky.
April 24, 2020 : I've restarted the book I was reading the day we met.
April 23, 2020 : When I prayed to God to take care of you I heard him laugh out loud.
April 22, 2020 : Ritual:
April 21, 2020 : Late twenties, sun-blasted skin, stubble, smells of beer.
April 20, 2020 : I am in the pool.
April 19, 2020 : Gone forever.
April 18, 2020 : It's ironic that things die by growing too big.
April 17, 2020 : I watched my grandmother cook.
April 16, 2020 : I miss him.
April 15, 2020 : When he flew to California for their wedding he brought a handful of small gifts.
April 14, 2020 : Her paranoiac vision of communication.
April 13, 2020 : Pretzels were the first food I taught myself to like.
April 12, 2020 : Philosophy professor, University of San Diego.
April 11, 2020 : Dude!
April 10, 2020 : I personally experienced the great Santa Barbara oil spill of 1968 when I came out of the ocean covered in it.
April 9, 2020 : "And when it happens, it's com-plete -ly nach-rul."
April 8, 2020 : I drove through the town where we used to live.
April 7, 2020 : Kitty killed the little bird's mate.
April 6, 2020 : Apparently her husband suggested me.
April 5, 2020 : 12B chows a very messy breakfast sandwich which ends up on her jeans...
April 4, 2020 : Interesting to never dream of it.
April 3, 2020 : Music to murder to. Interesting.
April 2, 2020 : You're not unhappy I kidnapped you?
April 1, 2020 : She had ghosts in her bed.
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